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Orlando, Florida 5G EMF Radiation Protection
Protect Yourself from 5G EMF Radiation Protection Orlando, Florida. The new 5G BioShield is the result of the most advanced technology currently available for balancing and prevention of the devastating effects caused by non-natural magneto-electric waves, particularly (but not limited to) 5G, for all biological life forms.

The 5G BioShield makes it possible, thanks to a uniquely applied process of quantum nano-layer technology, to balance the imbalanced electric oscillations arising from all magneto-electric fog induced by all devices such as: laptops, cordless phones, wlan, tablets, etc. 5G BioShield brings balance into the field at the atomic and cellular level restoring balanced effects to all harmful (ionized and non-ionized) radiation.

5G (or 5th Generation) technology refers to the latest trend in wireless systems, involving larger channels, higher speeds, and the ability to connect a host of devices from one location. As related to EMFs (Electro Magnetic Frequency), having 5G in Orlando, Florida and your neighborhood is like turning on a microwave oven in every room of your house, and opening all the oven doors.

With 5G towers and mini-stations being installed throughout every city and neighborhood, we appear to be building a global microwave oven. Oh, and I forgot to mention: microwaves cause cancer.

There has been minimal testing of the effects of 5G, but over 180 scientists in 40 countries have already proclaimed, “Stop 5G. It could kill us.” At the very least, 5G can cause nausea, hair loss, depression, confusion, and infection. Short of a revolution, 5G will evolve into 10G, and so on. These futuristic technology companies aren’t entirely to blame; it’s also our individual and collective addictions to our devices that have brought us here.
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Paul Wagner,
Since there’s little chance of a significant shift in how these types of technologies are tested and approved, the only thing we can do is prepare for the onslaught of radioactive frequencies. If we research like scientists and establish protective plans, we can mitigate EMFs and their effects on our health.

Here are a few ways you can protect yourself Orlando, Florida:

PURCHASE EMF SHIELDS: Purchase an EMF shield, and continue to measure the levels of radiation within 100 feet of your home. Research all the consumer products in this category so that you can protect yourself as much as possible.

STAY EDUCATED: Continually educate yourself about the wireless industry and the global, governmental support of this insane endeavor.

TECH TIME-OUT: Refrain from using your cell phone for long periods of time, including never keeping your cell phone in your bedroom. If possible, keep your mobile devices five to ten feet away from you. When traveling with your cell phone, store it in an EMF protective bag.

BE PROACTIVE & STAY OUT OF FEAR: Remain positive and strong, and continue to improve your vibration through positive thinking, forgiveness, and with increased attention toward mental, emotional, and physical health.

LEARN TO GROW YOUR FOOD: Food born from our soil can improve our vibrations. Our vibrations are akin to electromagnetic fields because they birth fields of energy and light that inhabit and surround our5G EMF Radiation Protectionbodies, which can protect us. Many enlightened masters have said that it is time for the pendulum to swing the other way, in that, we must learn to break our dependencies on manufactured food. We must learn to grow lettuce, potatoes, carrots, fruit, and more. Amma, The Hugging Saint, once said to me, “To start, learn to grow enough food for one day per week. Over time, you can learn to do more.”

CHOOSE YOUR HOME WISELY: If possible, do not live near a cell tower or mini-station. Also, get involved in local politics so that you can learn about all of the potentially dangerous plans your city council has in store for you.

The 5G BioShield makes it possible to balance the imbalanced electricoscillations arising from all magneto-electric fog induced by all devices such as: laptops, cordless phones, wlan, tablets, etc. The 5G BioShield brings balance into the field at the atomic and cellular level restoring balanced effects to all harmful (ionized and non-ionized) radiation.

5G EMF Radiation Protection Balancing & revitalization of magneto-electric fields from unnatural sources, such as laptops,cordless telephones,wlan, tablets,etc.

Balancing of geo-biological disturbances in the habitat and surroundings (Hartmann, Curry, Palm, Peyré, Wissmann), including underground water sources).

Full-spectrum balancing of biological organisms, such as animal, plant and/or human, catalysing faster and easier recovery.

Full-spectrum harmonization of homes, offices, schools, hospitals, vehicles, trains and aircrafts, etc...
Psycho-emotional harmonisation, in particular to ease meditations, but also to take a step back from the stressful challenges of everyday life. We are surrounded by a unified field of limitless energy. In the urban environment particularly, this field is highly toxic and ultimately lethal. Restoration of balance into this field is paramount in order to allow for all biological life-forms to prosper and replenish.

Improvement of memory, concentration, speed and efficiency of decisions, especially for pilots, surgeons, teachers, and all professionals whose performance depends on absolute mental clarity.
Harmonization and balancing of the harmful effects of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the indoor air (apartments, houses,enterprises, etc)

What is 5G?
5G is the next generation of mobile broadband that will eventually replace, or at least augment, your 4G LTE connection. With 5G, you’ll see exponentially faster download and upload speeds. Latency, or the time it takes devices to communicate with wireless networks, will also drastically decrease.

How 5G Works
Like other cellular networks, 5G networks use a system of cell sites that divide their territory into sectors and send encoded data through radio waves. Each cell site must be connected to a network backbone, whether through a wired or wireless back haul connection.
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5G EMF Radiation Protection



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